View Profile RZ10Revolution
I'm RZ10 and I'm strongly in the music field. I compose music that comes up in my mind out of no where pretty much. I put a lot of work into all my songs as I spend 1 day of every week editing, recording, composing, and finally rendering. Hope you Enjoy

Age 29

Joined on 8/9/13

Exp Points:
10 / 20
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> 100,000
Vote Power:
1.50 votes
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> 100,000
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Very happy to be here on Newgrounds.com again. My last account has been a fail since I've had it which I really didn't use it as much as I was supposed to but I'm back. I'm trying to start my very own revolution on here with the Powahh of music. I've been wanting to submit something on my other account but I had then figured that it was already too late cuz I've had it for a while so that's that. I'm here because Newgrounds. com was the first website that I signed up to that involved being part of a family where kids, teens, and adults can share their arts, music, and animations through out the world. I've grew up with Newgrounds to be honest. I'm here to express myself and share my music with the world. Tom Fulp Has had Newgrounds up since 1995 and I'm hoping that it stays here forever. So guys before I get going I just wanna say a few words on here before going to get started. I hope that you all enjoy the treats I have in store for you almost every week and that you support my music by leaving comments and thoughts in any way you could. Everyone have a Newgrounds day!!!!!!!

Sincerely, RZ

Let The Revolution Commence!!!!!!